Running an offsite in 2020

Offsite image

Would you usually run an offsite at the end of the year – to celebrate what’s been achieved, reconnect everybody to each other, and set yourself up for success for next year? Most of us would.

This year has been hard however and for some of us it all feels a bit difficult. The irony is that perhaps more than most, this year deserves a pause and reflect. The return on the time spent is the opportunity gain some individual spaciousness, reconnect or recover as a team, and to harvest the learnings of all the change for our organisations.

However you do it, see if you can find a way to step out of the fast-flowing stream and spend even half a day together. Remote or Face-to-Face or Blended. The logistics aren’t important.

2020 has been big. If we reflect, it becomes a source of growth.

“It was engaging, memorable and worthwhile.”


If you think you’d like to consider doing something and you’re not sure what, do just give us a call. / 0400405323

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